Apolakkia, Rhodes

Apolakkia lies in the hinterland, following the road from Gennadi to Vati. At the village square you will find one of the most beautiful buildings in the region, a classic sample of Italian architecture dating from the times of the Italian rule of the island.

Originally used as an elementary school, the premises currently house the activities of villages civic center. An important monument of the Byzantine era is "Saint George Vardas", a small Christian shrine built in 1290 a.C., not far from the local dam.

On the way to the nearby village of Monolithos, in the region of "Kalamos" there lies another small temple, dedicated to Saint George, a post Byzantine shrine built over an older Byzantine church ruin. From here, the view of the "Fournoi" is beach splendid. Also in the "Zonara" region one comes across the ruins of a paleochristian temple dedicated to Saint Anastasia (on the way to Kattavia). Apollakia is rich in agriculture. There are olive groves, citrus trees and fields of conifers, crisscrossed by picturesque rural roads, ideal for walking. These roads lead to Arnitha and Mesanagro. Despite the fact that the village is located in the hinterland, a visitor will marvel at a coast line with unique beaches, within a few kilometers of the village. The beach near Apolakkia, extending to the west, is very beautiful. "Apolakkia bay", composed of an ecosystem of dunes and "Juniperoys Oxycedrus" wild cedar bushes , is protected under the European Network "NATURA 2000".

One more element that musters scientific interest in this region is that on this coast, the presence of two important species has been observed: the Caretta-Caretta marine turtle and the Monachus-Monachus seal. Two kilometers off the village's entrance, a large artificial lake is found. The dam was completed in 1989 for the region's irrigation. Through the years it has evolved into an important wetland, where a large number of birds migrate every year. The dam is ideal for sailing as well a beautiful area for walking around. Numerous sporting activities are hosted there every year. Festivals: Saint Michael and Gabriel. The festival takes place on Monday after Easter during the day Whit Monday at Saint George "Kalamos" Saint Marina on July 17th . Celebrations start the night before. Watermelon Feast The feast is dedicated to Apolakkia's local product, the watermelon. The feast always takes place on the first Saturday after the feast of Saint Marina. At the feast, visitors can taste unique specialties made from watermelon, watch and play games that have watermelons as a theme, dance and enjoy this one of a kind summer festival.

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