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Lindos, Rhodos

Lindos, das in das warme Licht der Sonne gebadet ist und von dem man glaubt, dass es von den alten griechischen Göttern gesegnet wurde, ist ein unwiderstehlicher Magnet für jeden Besucher der Insel Rhodos. Die charmanten Gassen, die atemberaubenden Ausblicke, die verführerischen Düfte der traditionellen Küche und die kosmopolitische Atmosphäre bilden einen unvergleichlichen Zauber aus einzigartigem Charakter und herzlichen, gastfreundlichen Menschen, dem niemand widerstehen kann.

Lindos wird von vielen Besuchern als die bemerkenswerteste archäologische Stätte auf Rhodos angesehen. Wenn man vom Norden der Insel nach Süden auf das Dorf zufährt, fesselt die atemberaubende Naturkulisse der Gegend mit der auf einem massiven Felsen thronenden Akropolis von Lindos, den weißen Dorfhäusern und dem kristallklaren blauen Wasser die Sinne und zwingt einen oft zu einem kompletten Stopp. Der Panoramablick von diesem Aussichtspunkt ist einfach überwältigend und ein Erlebnis, das man nicht verpassen sollte.

Lindos ist ein labyrinthisches Dorf mit einer nahtlosen Anordnung von Gebäuden, die hauptsächlich Innenhöfe aufweisen. Die meisten Häuser haben Flachdächer, aber es gibt auch verschiedene Gebäudetypen, die ihre ursprüngliche Form und Funktion beibehalten haben. Zu den Baumaterialien, die für diese Gebäude verwendet wurden, gehören der örtliche Kalksteinbruch (Porolithos) oder Feldsteine, die fachmännisch verputzt und gekalkt wurden, was ihnen ein unverwechselbares mediterranes Flair verleiht.

Weiße Häuschen mit flachen Dächern steigen von einem goldenen, flachen Sandstrand einen Hang hinauf und bilden einen hellen Gürtel um die Nordseite der Burg auf dem Hügel, über dem ruhigen Wasser eines breiten, felsigen Hafens. Darüber thront die majestätische Festung der Akropolis von Lindos. Die Säulen eines zierlichen kleinen Tempels, der einst der Göttin Athena Lindia geweiht war, sind hinter den kriegerischen Mauern zu erkennen, wenn man genau hinsieht.

Warum sollten Sie Lindos besuchen?

Hier warten 5000 Jahre menschlicher Geschichte und Leben darauf, erkundet zu werden - ein ganzer Tag und ein ganzer Abend reichen vielleicht nicht aus! Wenn Sie schwimmen gehen wollen, ist der beste Ort dafür die St. Paulis-Bucht, die sich hinter der Akropolis befindet. Der Apostel Paulus betrat hier einst rhodischen Boden. Von hier aus können Sie die Burg und den Tempel aus einer neuen Perspektive betrachten.

Die wichtigsten archäologischen Denkmäler befinden sich in der Enklave der Zitadelle, obwohl eine ganze Reihe interessanter Überreste an verschiedenen Stellen in der Stadt und in ihrer unmittelbaren Umgebung verstreut sind. Eine Straße führt hoch hinauf zur Akropolis. Die mittelalterlichen Mauern sind die ersten Ruinen, auf die man stößt - Befestigungsanlagen, die von den Kreuzrittern (Anfang des 14. Jahrhunderts) auf den Überresten früherer byzantinischer und antiker Verteidigungsanlagen errichtet wurden. Entlang der mittelalterlichen Mauern, die den natürlichen Konturen des Geländes folgen, befinden sich auch einige Türme.

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Lindos © Rhodes Guide /

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Lindos © Rhodes Guide /


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Lindos © Rhodes Guide /

Lindos © Rhodes Guide /

Lindos Häufig gestellte Fragen

Wie groß ist die Entfernung zwischen Rhodos-Stadt und Lindos?

Die Entfernung von Rhodos-Stadt nach Lindos beträgt 47 km. Es dauert durchschnittlich 55 Minuten, um vom Zentrum der Stadt Rhodos nach Lindos zu fahren.

Wie groß ist die Entfernung vom Flughafen Rhodos nach Lindos?

Die Entfernung zwischen dem Flughafen Rhodos Diagoras und Lindos beträgt 55 km. Es dauert durchschnittlich 1 Stunde, um vom Flughafen Rhodos nach Lindos zu fahren.

Gibt es öffentliche Verkehrsmittel nach Lindos?

Lindos ist über öffentliche Verkehrsmittel (Bus und Taxi) mit Rhodos-Stadt, dem Flughafen Rhodos und vielen anderen Orten verbunden. Die Straße ist gut ausgebaut. Es gibt 3 Hauptparkplätze außerhalb des Dorfes.

Wie sieht das Nachtleben in Lindos aus?

Lindos bietet ein Nachtleben für alle Vorlieben. Es gibt Nachtclubs, kleine Bars, Cafeterias und viele gastronomische Einrichtungen für jeden Geschmack und Geldbeutel.


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Lindos Bewertungen und Kommentare

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Lindos is a very nice place, with wonderful sea at Lindos Beach and the view is fantastic from wherever you stand! Be prepared for a lot of walking because the whole area is full of hills and descents. On the negative side, we found it quite expensive, the food mostly. Also, it's crowded and if you go in the morning it's literally not much fun. It's most worth it in the afternoon, at sunset, and in the evening for a nice meal.

Kommentiert von Jessica P. July 03, 2022

Lindos is a unique traditional settlement on the southeastern side of Rhodes with a rich history and a luxurious present. The magnificent ancient Acropolis of Lindos that dominates the rock above the settlement, the exceptional and delightful view of the Aegean Sea, the narrow picturesque alleys and the island atmosphere, make Lindos a pole of attraction for countless tourists. It is worth wandering through the maze of the narrow streets, browsing the tourist shops of all kinds or sitting in one of the restaurants or cafes. Just be patient and arrive at the right time! On hot summer days the heat is very close to unbearable. Parking spaces are hard to come by and depending on the time a matter of luck. The overflow of tourists borders on overcrowding. We went late in the afternoon after swimming on the beach.

Kommentiert von Nikos L. June 16, 2022

Amazing experience! April month with good weather and little tourism. The view is magnificent. If you go to Rhodes Lindos it is a must visit place.

Kommentiert von Maria April 16, 2022

Lindos is a small town with beautiful winding streets. There are many restaurants and bars to linger. Of course, there is also the possibility of shopping. The Acropolis of Lindos is a must-see.

Kommentiert von Christina August 02, 2021

Anyone who has missed Lindos while in Rhodes, has not seen Rhodes. Lindos is always worth a visit, especially in the evening as the atmosphere is wonderful. Note that the Acropolis of Lindos is strenuous to reach, however the climb is really worth it, as it offers a spectacular view of the sea and the beautiful village.

Kommentiert von Kathrin & George July 21, 2021

Lindos is definitely one of the must visit places if you are on Rhodes. It is superbly located and hobby photographers will live it! Those beautiful little white houses, the bright blue sky and the acropolis are simply a dream!

Kommentiert von Martin June 16, 2021

Lived there 87 & 88, been back lots since. The bakery was in the village back then and the smell of baking bread on the way home from acropolis disco, The loveliest place ever, the villagers are what makes Lindos. They are amazing always helpful and friendly, it's like going home. Wonderful beaches people and atmosphere!

Kommentiert von Ann July 02, 2020

Memories include: Working the ski raft (George not yahannis), driving his vw to Kalathos to fetch the petrol for the ski boat, putting out sun beds, putting sun beds away, working for George taverna Pallas beach (collecting beer down from his shed on the hillside), living on giros rice and tinned mackerel and barbecued octopus for 4 months, sleeping on roof nibbled by goats. Meeting Bruce Foxton and David Gilmore (best mates with them) ;-). Making friends. Blue sky bar.

Kommentiert von Jim May 26, 2017

Reading comments during my lunch break and it brought back so many memories. I worked there for the best summer of my life in about 1990 for Grecian holidays. So long ago now but such wonderful memories. Manolis bar, backgammon in Socs, crazy nights in lindos by night. The most fun group of reps and locals anywhere. To jeff and louise (Jenny may hols) Lisa, Hazel Tina and all at Grecian, Sally (airtours) and many others who gave me so many fantastic memories...where are we all now...older buty no wiser probably!! Yassou!

Kommentiert von steve February 21, 2011

Following on from the last post, I visited Lindos in 1974 and spent the entire summer of 1976 there. I worked with Jenni and her sister Liz aboard the ship Small World, and we cruised the islands and Turkey from Athens. I stopped off in Lindos and stayed until the November. Great times.....

Kommentiert von Dave Carter July 01, 2010

I've had cause to think about Lindos again since my friend, Jenni May, known and loved by many of the older Lindians, died last year.
In 1974 I went there to cook for Small World, returning in 1975 and 1976. When I revisited in 1981 it was already changing rapidly.
Now I read people's comments of the Lindos that the place has become, I am filled with nostalgia for how it used to be. I am glad it is still enthralling people: In 1974 it was truly 'unspoilt' and the only way to get to Pefkos was by donkey.
Fond memories, but I can't go back - it has changed too much and is too commercial now.

Kommentiert von Jackie February 02, 2010

Firstly, we love lindos and everything that goes with it, but we have become a little concerned about the number of wedding parties in and around the village. I know everyone is entitled to get married in such a lovely place, but it is now used as a stag and hen party location as well. This year there were fairly large groups of men and women, not young I have to add, almost taking over the bars, being very loud and in our opinion changing the feel of Lindos, which is laid back and very different from nearly every other resort we have been to. I know it sounds harsh but it could kill the lure of Lindos for ordinary couples like ourselves. It may be that there has to be a curb on the number of weddings or size of wedding parties to prevent Lindos becoming just another english style resort. Saying that, I would still say lindos is a truly unique place. I just pray it stays that way for the enjoyment of the vast majority of holiday makers.

Kommentiert von caz and glen September 03, 2009

Just returned from our 5th visit and it's still magical.
Only problem now is it's so expensive with the Euro being strong against the pound. (some bars were charging 24 euros for 4 drinks !!)
Our favourite bar is definitely Karma, find it ,and go in to say hi to David and Karina.
Favourite restaurants are Stephanies, Broccolino (hand made pasta and seafood to die for) Ambrosia and Acropolis.

Kommentiert von John July 05, 2009

11 years ago I first visited Lindos, totally blown away with the charm, location but most of all the people of the village. I stood every day looking in the window Butterflies of Lindos gazing at an emeral ring, finally I went in and purchased. The year after I visited again and at the request of my husband purchased a replacement wedding ring (mine had become to small) Nikos who owns the shop kindly offered the services of his father who took said ring to Lindos church where he is a choir member for the ring to be blessed by the priest. Not may places in the world where this would be offered. This family I now class as my friends. I still visit every year. I have seen a lot of changes but the people are the same older yes but the same kind hearts. Thank you

Kommentiert von c May 23, 2009

Lindos, is pure magic, it casts its spell and pulls you in with its cyrstal blue waters, sunshine, sunshine, sunshine, its raggedy, jaggedy rocks and its fortress acropolis watching over all. The cubed white washed houses, the narrow car-less streets, heady nightlife and very friendly people, no matter how many times you visit, it's all in the magic of Lindos.

Kommentiert von Pamella September 02, 2008

Summer 2008...Lindos has been the most relaxing holiday definately is parents spend 6 months of the year there in a newly built home, they too have been taken with the Lindian way of life....can,t wait to return...

Kommentiert von Shaz..p'boro August 19, 2008

Just back from Lindos with Donkey boy and had fantastic time, as usual. 20 times there and still enjoy as much as the 1st time!
Papa Georges beach bar, good friendly food, Socrates great fun, Ambrosia and Antothika restaurants brilliant.
Could go on as I love this place and will back soon.
Please try this place - you won't regret it!

Kommentiert von Grant White June 07, 2008

Lindos has survived that it has been declared a national landmark and is a itself is a World Heritage Site with the cherry on the cake being the Acropolis at the top of the hill. On the interior, they are rebuilding it as it was in Roman times. The views over Lindos Bay at sunset are spectacular. Lindos is a very pretty place - especially at night when the day trippers have all gone home.
Lindos has retained a wonderful sense of history and antiquity.
In season (mid May to last week September mainly) Lindos nightlife goes on until 3am or 4am weekdays and until the sun rise at weekends. A good routine would be to eat late - 9pm or 10pm ish. Then Antika for say 11pm or perhaps Lindos By Night. Socrates Bar is a hoot too. As to clubs Qupes on top of the hill was busiest after 1.30am(!) in 2007 whilst Arches struggled. There is always the Ampitheatre Club on a Thursday, Friday or Saturday night but need to catch a (free) cab! Pallas Beach is the best beach - esp. Mediterraneo!

Kommentiert von Iain Wishart /Donkey April 30, 2008

Peter and I have been going to Lindos on and off for the last 16 years and still find the place magical. Seen lots of changes and lots of local bars have changed into Jewellers, which is a shame however it still retains magic. When we are arriving I get all filled up when we come to the top of the hill and turn the bend and see that magnificent view of Lindos - it gets me every time. Meet lots of lovely people there especially Daryl and Margaret whose daughter used to work there. Sortorius from Lindos by Night is my fav however 2 years ago I went with my daughter her hubby and the grand kids. They also fell in love with the place. They always wanted a donkey ride down to the beach and they could not believe it when we did down to the lovely Pallas beach. Its a cold January night and I really wish I was in Lindos NOW!!!!!!!

Kommentiert von Chris cheshire January 22, 2007

A small piece of paradise lost... please keep it that way, I've only been 3 times so far... but I will be back ! I have to say 'Hello' to Socrates, he IS Lindos.

Kommentiert von Shaz January 06, 2007

Lindos is magical in every way, warm, freindly, and of course very hot.
I' ve been at least 12 - 13 times and the very thought makes me long for the long hot lindian days and nights, my heart will always remain there a piece of me will be forever in lindos.

Kommentiert von prodvegas October 24, 2006

I'm afraid I was extremely dissappointed with Lindos. The magic just wasn,t there! Perhaps I have been spoiled with my paradise island of Paros.
I did enjoy Rhodes Town - very cosmopolitan.
I enjoy authentic Greek and just couldn,t find it.
Must say the people were wonderful and the restaurants are second to none, but so are the people on Paros.
Sorry - holidays being precious I won't return and will still continue to fly back to my Paros (like a homeing pigeon).
So many famililar and firendly faces there!

Kommentiert von janice September 13, 2006

Loved Lindos lots to do fantastic food lovely people the kids loved it too but how hot can it get!!

Kommentiert von rachael July 18, 2006

The beach where the many tourist boats arrive although busy somehow retains a calming a relaxed atmosphere with scores of fish surrounding the waders in the gentle lapping waters.
Rock dive into the crystal clear waters or snack at the restaurants on the beach itself which are again so, so, relaxing. The town itself is a winding white washed labrnthy of alleys and lanes, twisting and turning to the Acropolis, or through to the bustling town, full of characcter and life. Going back is something to look forward to all year round. To live there would be a dream come true. A true Paradise.

Kommentiert von Peter Speck (Surrey) June 29, 2006

I've been there 5 times now, I love the place. It has both the quiet typical 'Greek' way of life, but also has some really friendly Bar and Resturants by far the best for me is Socrates Bar. If you go to Lindos then Socrates IS Lindos.....Yammas

Kommentiert von Shaz May 17, 2006

What can I say. my paradise! Great weather, excellent restaurants and the most genuine people you can meet.
A must for everyone - go once... and you'll go back!

Kommentiert von Rachel March 30, 2006

I lived in lindos for almost a year in 2003,and I have been visiting for 6 years. Not only are the people fantastic but the atmosphere and the general 'picturesque' views are breathtaking.
If you are going for the night life i definately recommend Socrates Bar, the music is a range of jazz, soul, blues... well anything you like really!! The guys you will meet are amazing. Socrates, Theo (his son) George and Alex (very cute :).. very genuine people.
Also if you venture just outside of Lindos to Pefkos go to lindos by night. lovely place.
I agree with everyone on this board, Lindos has almost a magical quality...

Kommentiert von Emmario January 13, 2006

Lindos and it's people are both beautiful, relaxing and yet exciting and extremely friendly.

Kommentiert von Val Barnes August 04, 2005

Everyone should visit Lindos at least once in their lifetime. It is both beautiful & unique.

Kommentiert von andrea May 30, 2005

What can I say about Lindos - it is such a beautiful place. Relaxing. The atmosphere it offers is truly unique.

Kommentiert von Chris February 09, 2004

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