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Sieben Quellen (Epta Piges), Rhodos

Einer der bekanntesten Orte auf Rhodos, Sieben Quellen (Epta Piges), zieht jedes Jahr viele Besucher an. Die Sieben Quellen sind eine kühle, magische Landschaft, eine echte Oase, selbst in der Hitze des Hochsommers, inmitten von üppigem Grün. Ein Natura-2000-Schutzgebiet, das darauf wartet, Sie zu einer einzigartigen, entspannenden Erfahrung zu empfangen!

Eines der reizvollsten Ziele auf Rhodos, die Sieben Quellen (Epta Piges), bieten eine kühle, magische Landschaft, eine echte Oase, selbst in der Hitze des Hochsommers, ein reizvoller Rückzugsort in üppigstem mediterranem Grün. Aus den Quellen fließt das ganze Jahr über Wasser, das einen kleinen See bildet. Dank eines von den Italienern errichteten Staudamms, der die nahe gelegene Siedlung Kolympia mit Frischwasser versorgen sollte, wird der See immer wieder aufgefüllt.

Der Zugang zum See an den sieben Quellen ist bei Besuchern sehr beliebt und bietet ein einzigartiges Erlebnis. Wenn Sie sich abenteuerlustig genug fühlen, können Sie durch den 186 Meter langen und 2,5 Meter hohen, sehr engen dunklen Tunnel wandern, um zum See zu gelangen. Dieser 1931 errichtete Tunnel leitet das Wasser, das aus den sieben Quellen und aus dem Fluss Loutanis fließt, in den See.

Es ist ein aufregendes Erlebnis, mit den Füßen im fließenden Süßwasser durch den dunklen Tunnel zu gehen, aber wenn Sie unter Klaustrophobie leiden, sollten Sie es nicht versuchen. Als Alternative können Sie einfach einem Wanderweg folgen, der direkt oberhalb des Tunnels zum See führt. Für den Gang durch den Tunnel empfehlen wir leichte Schuhe oder Flip-Flops, da Sie durch knöchelhohes Wasser laufen müssen. Wenn Sie sich dabei wohler fühlen, können Sie auch eine Taschenlampe benutzen.

Sieben Quellen (Epta Piges) © Rhodes Guide /

Der See bei den Sieben Quellen ist auch zum Schwimmen geeignet. Bedenken Sie nur, dass das Wasser recht kalt ist (selbst in den heißesten Sommermonaten) und dass es aufgrund des frischen Wassers weniger Auftrieb gibt.

Das Gebiet von Sieben Quellen und die nahe gelegenen Wälder eignen sich auch zum Wandern und Trekking. Es wird empfohlen, immer eine Flasche mit frischem Wasser mitzunehmen. Für Wanderungen in der Umgebung von Sieben Quellen ist es außerdem wichtig, dass Sie festes Schuhwerk tragen.

Auch das historische Restaurant - die Taverne in Sieben Quellen ist einen Besuch wert. Hier gibt es Speisen, die mit Zutaten aus der Region gekocht und nach traditionellen rhodischen und griechischen Rezepten zubereitet werden.

Das Gebiet gehört zusammen mit dem Tal der Schmetterlinge (Petaloudes) und dem Berg Profitis Elias zu einem Natura 2000-Schutzgebiet (GR4210006).

Sieben Quellen (Epta Piges) © Rhodes Guide /

Sieben Quellen (Epta Piges) © Rhodes Guide /
Sieben Quellen (Epta Piges) © Rhodes Guide /

Sieben Quellen (Epta Piges) © Rhodes Guide /


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Sieben Quellen (Epta Piges) Bewertungen und Kommentare

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There is a restaurant named Epta Piges in Seven Springs that serves barbecued 30-day-matured steaks with authentic butcher cuts like t-bone, tomahawk, and other varieties.

That really enriched my experience. The steak was prepared exactly as I requested. I returned solely for the steaks.

Kommentiert von John C. June 12, 2022

Something free to do, for once. We arrived at Seven Springs very early, so there weren't many people around. It's a lovely location, and going through the tunnel was a lot of fun. I have read several reviews that said it was disappointing. We didn't have any expectations when we went, and we weren't disappointed. Given that there are some rocky areas in the tunnel, I do advise wearing water sandals or shoes. It wasn't always comfortable being barefoot, but it was still fairly doable. The water is just above knee height near the tunnel's end.
The taverna also had some delicious meal options, but we chose not to stay and eat there.

Kommentiert von Alexander May 16, 2022

Even if the small waterfall is not much, a trip to the Seven Springs is worth it just for the delicious food at absolutely fair prices! We will definitely come again. The tunnel is quite funny, but also a bit scary!

Kommentiert von Juliette October 3, 2021

Visiting the seven springs was a nice change from the daily beach routine for us. The walk through the water tunnel is for people with claustrophobia and a height over 180cm not recommended. But you can reach the lake from the path that runs above the tunnel as well.

Kommentiert von Robert July 23, 2021

I have to admit that we expected more, the area is very nice and quiet though and there is a nice little river. There is also a tunnel, which we did not know that you can walk through, so did not manage to see the waterfall. There is a restaurant right inside the nature where you can eat something. There are also peacocks and ducks, which are happy about bread (but not recommended as it is not their natural food). People with limited mobility will not find it easy to visit.

Kommentiert von Nikos A. February 08, 2021

We took the regular bus between Rhodos and Lindos (runs every half hour) and walked the three km from the highway down to Seven Springs. Using the GPS in my husband's phone we then hiked 4 km through the forest to the Tsampika Monastery. The first bit was a bit of a scramble through dense forest, so it should not be attempted without a GPS. We connected to gravel paths and hiked up the back of the mountain just north of the monastery and were rewarded with amazing views of the bay below. Actually came out on the highway and found the monastery a bit downhill north of this mountain, but even if climbing the mountain was the result of a slight miscalculation. The view was worth every extra step. October was plenty hot for this trip, it probably should not be attempted during the summer months, as it is too strenuous for dense heat.

Kommentiert von solvej allen October 10, 2012

Went last august 2011 really enjoyed it took over an hour on moped to find it but well worth it. The green bluey water was lovely. Picturesque and a must is to walk through the tunnel.

Kommentiert von marie June 02, 2012

I was there about 2 months ago. It was one of my favorite places in Greece. Wear good hiking shoes and bring some good aqua shoes to walk through the tunnel. The water was running so fast, it seemed like a foot massage. I climbed out to the waterfall and took pictures. I don't understand some of the less positive comments. I thought it was well worth the drive.

Kommentiert von NOLA July 21, 2011

Visited May 2011. Well worth a visit. Tunnel should be one way traffic only!! Forest walk becomes a scramble higher up.
Water in tunnel about 10 inches deep fast flowing. Signposting to lake poor.

Kommentiert von dave d May 16, 2011

Ive been coming to Rhodes for 13-14 years from 18 months, im now 18, and each year we go to Epta Piges without fail becuase of its beauty and because of the long tunnel of cold water.
I read a thing bout epta piges on some website, sayin the laake has never dried out, thats a lie cuz 3 years ago it was (probs cuz of the amount of shoes a flip flops)
Its just becoming a race to get the epta piges before the Italians all go there, otherwise its a fight for car parking spaces and a chance to get down the tunnel!!!
I would deffinately recomend it to anyone who visits this beautiful place, Also on reccomendation is the old 1930s ex-military hospitals and army base at profitis illyassos and also Petaloudes (Butterfly Vally)

Kommentiert von Kim September 02, 2010

I went to seven springs in sep 2007 with a greek friend, after staying in lindos it was lovely to venture out into the island and taste "proper" Greece. it was a beautifull day and the food from the little resturant there was really nice and authentic. lots of really good photo oppertunitys by the river and the family of peacocks come rite up to ur table and sit with you! i really would recommend visiting next time your in rhodes, i will deff be going back (for the fourth time!!)

Kommentiert von sarah bruce March 30, 2010

Went to seven springs the day before yesterday (12th May 09). Walked through the tunnel. All was in order. Water was flowing and the lake was full.
A very enjoyable visit.

Kommentiert von Harry Lobley May 14, 2009

This location is no longer what it was. Water no longer runs through the tunnel and the reservoir is drained and far from picturesque. What water there is looks stagnant. Thankfully I had a rental car and just went somewhere else. Feel very sorry for those that paid to visit by bus and had no choice. Have been there a number of times before so to see it as run down as it was was very dissappointing

Kommentiert von Michael April 09, 2008

Absolutely brilliant the tunnel under the ground is ace. we go under it every time we visit. And the grounds are really relaxing. Dont miss it when you go.

Kommentiert von Robson March 25, 2007

I visited the seven springs in October 2006, and it was a fantastic place, a calm and relaxing atmosphere, and also some exotic birds. If you go there, you really should walk through the tunnel, its around 200 m longs, and I wouldn´t recommend it if you suffer from claustofobia, because its pitch black, water running under your feet, and its really narrow... but if you want something special to remember when you come home, go for it! Its said that if you go through the tunnel you loose all your fears and u will be 20 years younger, so now am 0 years then :)

Kommentiert von Anna February 24, 2007

One of the most serene places on the island, totally different to all other tourist attractions. The litttle restaurant there has excellent greek food and occasionally there are small stalls selling little gifts there too. And there is a family of peacocks there too, who wander round in the carpark

Kommentiert von Nicolleta March 23, 2004

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