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Afandou (Afantou), Rhodos

Das malerische Dorf Afandou liegt im Herzen von Rhodos und kann auf eine reiche Geschichte zurückblicken, die bis in die Zeit der Piraterie im Mittelmeer zurückreicht. Damals zogen sich die Einwohner von der Küste zurück und suchten im Inselinneren Zuflucht. Der Name des Dorfes leitet sich vom griechischen Wort "áfandos" ab, was so viel wie "unsichtbar" bedeutet, da es gut vor dem Meer versteckt war. Wenn Sie durch die charmanten Straßen und Gassen schlendern, können Sie den Geist vergangener Zeiten spüren und sich die Geschichten von Seefahrerabenteuern und Überleben vorstellen, die den einzigartigen Charakter des Dorfes geprägt haben.

Eingebettet in eine grüne Landschaft mit Obst- und Olivenbäumen ist das Dorf Afandou auf Rhodos ein reizvolles Ausflugsziel. Afandou, das nur 5 km vom lebhaften Faliraki entfernt liegt, ist eines der größten und ältesten Dörfer der Insel und hat etwa 7500 Einwohner. Trotz seiner Größe hat Afandou seinen authentischen Charakter bewahrt und ist ein Zentrum des traditionellen griechischen Lebens. In den zahlreichen Geschäften und Läden des Dorfes finden Besucher alles, was sie brauchen. Besuchen Sie unbedingt den Hauptplatz, wo sich die freundlichen Einheimischen versammeln, und tauchen Sie ein in die warme, gastfreundliche Kultur des Dorfes.

Afandou ist berühmt für seine Teppichherstellung, und Besucher können die traditionelle Kunst in der ständigen Volkskunstausstellung entdecken. In den Sommermonaten ist die Ausstellung durch einen kleinen, bahnähnlichen Wagen mit dem Strand verbunden, was einen unterhaltsamen und einfachen Tagesausflug ermöglicht. Obwohl es im Ort einige Hotels gibt, entscheiden sich die meisten Besucher für eine der zahlreichen Ferienwohnungen, um den lokalen Lebensstil hautnah zu erleben.

Afandou (Afantou) © Rhodes Guide /

Der Strand von Afandou ist eine der Hauptattraktionen. Er erstreckt sich über drei Kilometer und bietet kristallklares Wasser, das zum Schwimmen und Sonnenbaden einlädt. Abenteuerlustige Reisende können die felsigen Gebiete und Höhlen auf der linken Seite des Strandes erkunden. Ein Muss in Afandou ist die einzigartige Kirche Unserer Lieben Frau Katholiki, die mit Fresken aus dem 17. Jahrhundert geschmückt ist. Diese Kirche ist der Heiligen Maria gewidmet und veranstaltet jedes Jahr im August ein großes religiöses und folkloristisches Festival, das ein Höhepunkt für die Besucher des Dorfes ist. Der Golfplatz Afandou Golf befindet sich ebenfalls in der Nähe des Dorfes.

Verpassen Sie nicht die Gelegenheit, die Herzlichkeit und den Charme von Afandou, einem versteckten Juwel der Insel Rhodos, zu erleben.

Afandou Golfplatz - Afandou Golf

Der bekannte Golfplatz von Afandou befindet sich in der Nähe des Dorfes. Wenn Sie auf der schönen Insel Rhodos ein erstklassiges Golferlebnis suchen, sind Sie auf Afandou Golf genau richtig. Der in der Küstengegend von Afandou gelegene Platz erstreckt sich über 1.500 Hektar einschließlich aller Einrichtungen und wurde vom weltbekannten Golfarchitekten Donald Harradine entworfen. Mit mehr als 580 Plätzen in seinem Besitz hat Harradine sein Fachwissen zur Verfügung gestellt, um ein anspruchsvolles und lohnendes Golferlebnis zu schaffen, das wahrhaftig eine "Marke" ist.

Afandou Golf liegt nur 20 km südlich von Rhodos-Stadt und ist das perfekte Ziel für Golfliebhaber. Der Platz bietet Platz für bis zu 200 Spieler pro Tag und verfügt über zusätzliche Annehmlichkeiten, um Ihr Erlebnis zu verbessern. Spielen Sie eine Runde auf diesem herrlichen Platz und genießen Sie die atemberaubende Aussicht auf die umliegende Küstenregion.


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Afandou (Afantou) Bewertungen und Kommentare

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Stayed in Afandou many years ago. Fantastic and lovely, superb people and hospitality, love to go back someday! Even I am 74 now with some health issues I will make it!

Kommentiert von Stephanie bremner srtm January 22, 2022

My wife Elaine and I had our honeymoon in Afandou in August 1989 and we had a wonderful time and the locals were very welcoming. The beach was fantastic. Unfortunately the love of my life passed away in February of this year so Afandou will always have a special place in my heart.

Kommentiert von Ivan Hawthorne August 04, 2021

This beach is very clean and above all not crowded. This gives you the ability to relax in peace. If you are into it, it also offers a great opportunity to walk, as it is 7 km long and on most parts of the beach you will find a road just above which is not not busy at all.

Kommentiert von John McClain May 16, 2019

Have been going to Afandou now for 10 years it is fantastic, friendly and really relaxing, especially in the alfa bar! We love it that much we're even getting married there next May.

Kommentiert von Clare & Rod September 21, 2010

I lived in Afandou a very long time ago - 1988 - and things may well have changed since then. It was a very traditional village and, whilst overtly friendly, one had to be very careful as the people were extremely 'gossipy' and could make life awkward. If you're just going on holiday, you'll most likely have a fabulous time, but if you are planning to live there, especially as part of a local family, beware.

Kommentiert von Zina February 16, 2010

we went there a couple of years ago it was wonderful

Kommentiert von patrick and ruith December 17, 2009

We are so looking forward to a holiday in Afandou after all the great reviews. We normally go to Kavos in Corfu where we have made so many Greek friends. Thought we would try somewhere else for a change and Afandou sounds like a lovely, friendly place and just the sort of place we would like. Looking for some real Greek food, any suggestions where to eat?
Will tell you all about it on our return. Sylvia & Al

Kommentiert von Sylvia & Al June 04, 2009

My husband and I have been going to afandou since 1994. My two daughters have been and also my grandson, we love tharenie, alfa bar and minas! Going back a.s.a.p!

Kommentiert von linda anderson January 20, 2009

The reviews sound excellent cant wait too stay in Afandou come August! However I was wondering if anybody could help me with a question, I am taking my 4month old son and wondered if there was anywhere in the area that I will be able too get Nappies and baby milk as the thought of packing enough for 2 weeks is scary. Would appreciate anyones advice or local knowledge, Thank You x

Kommentiert von Penny July 08, 2008

I lived in Afantou in 1994 - 1995 and loved every minute of my stay, due to lack of funds I haven't been away on holiday for the past seven years but this year I will be booking a two week holiday for next year to take my children to were I feel is home and I can't wait.
The people are so friendly and will remember you year in year out. It's an ideal spot for exploring the island because the buses to Lindos and psinthos go through the vilage and back again to rhodes town.
I used to work as a travel agent and would send all my customers to Afantou and they returned year after year. Once bitten by the Afantou bug you'll never want to go any where else.
If i was able I would be living there now.

Kommentiert von Michelle May 27, 2008

Afandou is undoubtedly one of the best villages in which to stay on the island. It has plenty of shops and bars, and restaurants offering a plethora of Greek, English and European dishes, yet still is a place where people live and work, where you can see a glimpse of the traditional way of life: old people still living in one room houses, men playing backgammon in the kafenio and the whole village taking part in religious festivals.
The village is within walking distance of the beach, a shingle beach but excellent for snorkelling and water sports. It is also one of the few beaches on which you can actually relax without hiring a sun bed, and after a day's relaxation, you can take a short ride on the road train back to the village.
You will be welcomed by people in the village; one of the main reasons why I returned. I'd initially stayed in Faliraki, but discovered Afantou, then returned every year to stay at the Fillipos hotel to enjoy the company of Sam and Georgia and family.

Kommentiert von Karen July 06, 2007

What a place to visit I was 17 when I first came to Afandou now at the tender age of 37 every year one or two months at a time. Now we have an old house in the village. there are some very good bars. if you are near in the summer come and meet me and kaz in the life bar just ask for us at the bar Yani will call us if we are not in. happy holiday.

Kommentiert von lee and kas July 04, 2007

Going on our first hloiday without the kids this year and after reading all your positive comments we are really looking forward to visiting Afandou. Hope it is as friendly and beautiful as it looks!!!

Kommentiert von Talbot June 17, 2007

Going to Afandou for first time on 30/08, can't wait & all your positive comments have got me even more excite. Will write a review on our return.

Kommentiert von Deb & Steve August 22, 2006

My wife and I have been visiting Afandou now for 14 years. Our first visit was in 1992.

My wife and I have made some real good friends in Afandou both locals and regular visitors and have excellent holidays there, we like Afandou so much we have had a Villa built which was completed in May 2006, is there any better recommendation than that!

Kommentiert von Ralph Patterson - Blaydon on Tyne June 03, 2006

This year has been our fifth time in afandou. we love it. its the most beautiful place we have ever been to. the village is so relaxed and friendly the restaurants have the best cuisine ever everything is cooked fresh. because we have been so many times we have made a lot of friends. When we go back people remember you and make you feel so welcome.

Kommentiert von moira lapsley September 28, 2005

I have stayed in Afandou twice over the last nine months. My first time was a last minute deal which we thourougly enjoyed, that we came back in June as a main holiday.
The village is just unique with the town going about its daily routines, and the people are so friendly, they alway say hello.
Try and go to Smile cafe, this is where Theranee works, she looks after you as if she was your Greek mother,and everything is no problem. We stayed at the Scala apartments. These apartments were spotless and have air conditioning, tv toaster, kettle, fan and even a curtain in the shower. Vengelais and his family go out their way, so you enjoy your holiday. I am unsure were to go on holiday next year, as I dont think there is anywhere better than Afandou, you must try it some time, you will not be disappointed.

Kommentiert von Joe Mc Monagle July 24, 2005

I return to Afandou for the third time this year. This is the place to stay on the island, far enough away from Faliraki and a cheap bus ride to Rhodes town. The wee restaurants are marvellous and the lovely village atmosphere in the evenings is so friendly. The beach is never crowded and the water is as clear as a bell. Rent a car and it is easy to drive into the country. I will always come back to stay here, it's so easy, a real holiday.

Kommentiert von Elaine May 30, 2005

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